Saturday, 17 November 2007

Luxury bathroom !

I love this little Dell with it's stream and overflowing baths, 'scrub em out light a fire and i'd be sorely tempted to have a soak!!


Anonymous said...

Gosh, looks wonderful doesn't it!

Crystal xx

Frances said...

Misty, beautiful. Who needs sculpture in museums when such a dell exists?

This is an image to remember.

Thanks for giving it to us!


Faith said...

Yes, I know what you mean, you'd feel like an elfin princess!

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Love this. I think I'd want to put some ducks on though, perhaps not ethereal enough.

Norma Murray said...

Lovely but do you get midges? I thought they were only in Scotland but was plagued by them in Derbyshire when camping this year.
It might also be a bit chilly. Perhaps if you lit a fire under the bath....

Milkmaid said...

Looks like our place, strange antique baths all over the place, i hope the cows appreciate them

Suffolkmum said...

Why bother with all these modern art installations! A bath under the stars, perfect.

Fennie said...

Oooo - far too cold - even with a fire underneath Would remind me of childhood, condensation from the bath freezing on the window panes and impossible to get out of the bath before the water was too cold to remain in it (or so it seemed!). Anyway I was looking for mobiles, which baths clearly aren't!

Pipany said...

Wow wouldn't that be amazing...having a bath surrounded by so much nature? xx

Exmoorjane said...

Haven't been on here for ages, Jo.....lovely images - really so sad about that beautiful big house. I'd have bought it!!