I often wonder did people buy these houses when they where dirt cheap, with a dream,,,and just forgot about them or maybe they don't want to relinquish there dreams yet.
Hiraeth to yearn, that gut wrenching lonely feeling that goes beyond words. A set of pictures of abandoned homes in and around the elwy valley.
I meant splendid..
It could have such a wonderful past, what a shame to be neglected.
Crystal xx
I always start thinking what I'd do if I owned it - what would be in each room etc - pity someone else didn't see the dream through.
We have many old crofts like that around here. But often, if they are on land they get bought up, torn down and developed into horrible new houses. Yes I do appreciate that there is always a need for new housing, but it is still sad to see these old cottages that have stood for years and are part of our heritage just being bulldozed to rubble.
So poignant...and the one below...why are they being left? One day you will get to God's little mountain...then you will have a shock!!
Brittany is full of empty holiady homes never visited by englsih owners sadly it is a shame houses need to breathe.
Bodran, does everyone around where you are know about these houses, or are they sort of hidden away, and really left on their own?
Each one that you have shown us is so full of character, and mystery, and a grace all its own.
Some are really tucked away but a few are on the beaten track...
Yes sbs "gods little mountain here i come"..x
Speaking as someone who's never had the good fortune to own their own home, (and probably never will with house prices as they are), my heart breaks to see this kind of neglect, it really is such a waste of a beautiful building, in a splendid location.
Glad someone put a roof on. I hate it when they tumble down.
I love these forgotten places Bodran. So many stories hidden behind the xx
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